Freedom in Christ.

July 4, 2019. “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 July 4th is a day that we as Americans typically hold in high regard as we reflect on who we are as a nation and the quintessential American value of…

Salvation as a process.

November 2, 2016. “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (I Corinthians 1:18) Today I would like to take a few minutes to dwell on the topic of salvation, and perhaps shed light on a biblical…

A plea for unity.

September 18, 2016. Ramifications of the reformation. It is an understatement to say that there is a lot of division in the church today. Though it seems that people have been divisive from the beginning (see I Corinthians 1-3), today the amount of separation in the entirety of Christendom is both disheartening and damaging to…

The ancient fool.

April 1, 2016. April fool’s day is a unique cultural experience where people on a national level participate in various practical jokes and hoaxes. There is just something satisfying about tricking someone with a fake article or false claim, only to see their face drop when they realize they have been fooled. Perhaps there is even…

The Christian Apologetic: Jesus Christ.

March 11, 2016. Over the past few weeks, I have been writing an apologetic for a discussion with a friend in Germany. It is an apologetic that I don’t think Christian communities use as often as we should, though I could just be wrong about the prevalence of the thoughts. When we ask the question,…

I John 1-5: Walking in the Light.

December 6, 2015. Daily Reading: I John 1-5. Background: The first of three letters that have been persevered, I John is attributed to the Apostle John, author of the gospel that bears his name. The letter is written to what would seem to be believers that the aged apostle held in his care, who he…

Habakkuk 1-3: What the Lord is doing.

November 20, 2015. Daily Reading: Habakkuk 1-3. Background: Very little is known about the prophet Habakkuk, as we are not given his family linage, hometown or who was in power when he carried out his ministry from the text. His name even is not a common Hebrew name and it is only found twice in…

James 1-3: Practical Christianity.

November 1, 2015. Daily Reading: James 1-3. Background: The book of James was most likely authored by James the brother of Jesus who was a prominent leader in the Jerusalem church and well recognized among the apostles (see Acts 12:17, 15:13-22, I Corinthians 15:7, Galatians 1:19 and 2:9), though he apparently didn’t become a follower…

Hebrews 11-13: The outcome of faith.

October 25, 2015. Daily Reading: Hebrews 11-13. Background: Hebrews 9-10. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 11 The hall of faith: After demonstrating Christ as the bringer of a new and better covenant, showing Him though the Hebrew scriptures, the Hebrew writer goes onto here what is often referred to as the hall of faith. Defining faith…

Hebrews 9-10: Christ’s sacrifice, once for all.

October 18, 2014. Daily Reading: Hebrews 9-10. Background: Hebrews 1-8. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 9 Old Covenant worship and Jesus Christ: The Hebrew writer showed us in the previous chapter that through Jesus, a better ministry was brought forth. Here, he seeks to examine the sanctuary and temple worship to show us how the ministry that…

Numbers 13-16: Rebelling against the Lord.

September 28, 2015. Daily Reading: Numbers 13-16. Background: Numbers 9-12. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 13 The spies and their report: As the children of Israel came to the edge of the promised land that the Lord their God had told them that He was going to give to them, He told Moses to send out…

I Timothy 4-6: Instructions for the church.

August 28, 2015. Note: I am switching Friday and Sunday’s reading, so today’s reading will be I Timothy 4-5, and Sunday’s will be Ezekiel 43-48. Thank you for understanding. ___________________________________________________________ Daily Reading: I Timothy 4-6. Background: I Timothy 1-3. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 4 1. The Apostasy: Paul begins this chapter talking about the apostasy…