Paul’s thorn.

August 7, 2016. “So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.” (II Corinthians 12:7) Paul’s thorn in the flesh was mentioned, somewhat in passing, in a lesson…

Choose your paradigm: Membership or Missional. (Part 2)

February 22, 2015. Last week we began a series that addressed two different paradigms that churches can have, through which they look at the world and the lost. Of these two paradigms, only one is put forth by Jesus. It seems that in our culture today, however, the opposite one is most often the default…

Choose your paradigm: Membership or Missional. (Part 1)

  February 15, 2015. I have been listening to a lot of sermons and podcasts recently that have dealt with the mission of the church and how we need to relight our fire. Of particular note was the distinction between two different paradigms in Christianity that we need to be aware of to choose the…

Acts 7-8: Stephen and the spread of the gospel.

November 14, 2015. Daily Reading: Acts 7-8. Background: Acts 5-6. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 7 Stephen: The previous chapter left of with the arrest of Stephen on the basis of false witnesses, being brought before the council of Jewish leaders. This chapter pics up here and records Stephen’s defense and message to the high priest…

Jonah 1-4: The prophet who hated people.

October 30, 2015. Daily Reading: Jonah 1-4. Background: The book of Jonah is the fifth of the minor prophets and tells quite a story of a prophet who tried to run from his call from God. This story is a favorite children’s story, though the version that is told to children is often very different…

Paul’s mission and our mission.

December 13, 2014. Paul is probably one of my favorite characters in the New Testament. His story is quite unlike any of the other apostles, as he calls himself as one “untimely born (ref. I Cr. 15:8).” Being stopped by Christ on the way to Damascus where Paul was headed to persecute and arrest any…

Is your Christianity easy?

December 4, 2014. The alarm goes off at 6 AM Monday morning, and he drags himself out of bed to get ready for work. It would have probably been easier for him to get up had he not decided to watch half of the third season of House on Netflix last night after coming home…

What sermons have you been preaching lately?

November 16, 2014. I read a short article this morning (I know, surprise surprise) that put something in perspective for me. The article was about reasons we don’t do all that well retaining visitors when they give Christianity a chance. The author made some valid points, but the one that stood out to me the…

Comfort kills.

November 9, 2014. I seem to be on this kick lately of wanting a paradigm shift for the church as a whole as I see it in today’s society because our focus is simply not where the focus was in the new testament. We have become so focused on trying to keep the church alive,…

Political fallout.

November 7, 2014. In the midst of these midterm elections, I can’t help but notice the heightened amount of political statements being may either in favor or opposition of the results. I must say that I don’t particularly like this part of the year (or every two years, I guess) due to the increase in…

Multiplication through oppression.

October 27, 2014. Sometimes I hear phrases along the lines of “if the world continues down the path its going, the church will be dead in a generation or two.” I must admit that I myself have been tempted to say similar phrases in the past without really thinking too much about it. It is…

Dialog with an atheist.

October 18, 2014. The scene is set in a research lab late one night as two collaborating doctoral candidates are busily working to get the data they need to publish this last paper, hopefully giving one candidate solidifying evidence to defend his dissertation and setting the other well on her way to follow down the…