Freedom does not come from human institutions

July 4, 2020. Historically I have written posts inspired by the fourth of July on the topic of freedom. But this year feels different. There is so much tension in our society right now and the two main causes of this tension are each have deep roots in the lack of freedom. The country that…

The Divine Love, Pt. 4: Justice.

December 15, 2017. This is a continuation of The Divine Love series. For a full-text PDF, click here! What about justice? I think we must go on, however, with this understanding and framework to address what all this means for us, if anything. Sure, it is good to develop theology and to think well about…

The Divine Love, Pt. 3: God’s Answer to Evil.

December 14, 2017. This is a continuation of The Divine Love series. For a full-text PDF, click here! To begin with Part 1, click here. So, why hasn’t God done anything about evil? Now I believe we are in a good position to address this question. The question often comes as an indictment against God rather…

The Divine Love, Pt. 2: The Problem of Evil.

December 13, 2017. This is a continuation of The Divine Love series. For a full-text PDF, click here! Why does evil/suffering exist? When I said that I believed that the fundamental truth of love could answer some of the most difficult questions that mankind has ever asked, I was not speaking in vain. Throughout history,…

The Divine Love, Pt. 1: A Fundamental Truth.

December 12, 2017. It’s been quite some time since I have written something here, and I want to apologize for that. I love writing, and I want to get back into the habit of fleshing out some spiritual thoughts through this medium, as other priorities and plans seem to have taken precedence over this over…

Worshipping rhetoric.

August 28, 2016. Today I am posting on something that I have actually been thinking about for a while, but it has the potential to step on some toes, so I have been somewhat avoiding the topic. However, I am going to try to approach the topic in a way that is humble and gentle,…

II John: Support and opposition.

December 19, 2015. Daily Reading: III John. Background: This is the third epistle that we have that was written by the apostle John (see the intro to I John). Unlike the other two epistles, this one is addressed to a single person, Gaius, whom the apostle “love[s] in truth,” encouraging him to support the brethren…

II John: Truth and love.

December 13, 2o15. Daily Reading: II John. Background: This is John’s second epistle written to those that he loved in truth, likely disciples of whom the aged apostle had some role of oversight (see background to I John). The elder expresses his love for them and his joy in finding some of them walking in…

Jonah 1-4: The prophet who hated people.

October 30, 2015. Daily Reading: Jonah 1-4. Background: The book of Jonah is the fifth of the minor prophets and tells quite a story of a prophet who tried to run from his call from God. This story is a favorite children’s story, though the version that is told to children is often very different…

John 16-18: Jesus’ final days.

October 10, 2015. Daily Reading: John 16-18. Background: John 13-15. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 16 A final discourse with the disciples: As we near the passion narrative as presented by John, he gives us one of the final discussions that Jesus has with His disciples before He is taken to trial and the cross, followed…

John 13-15: Discussions with the disciples.

October 3, 2015. Daily Reading: John 13-15. Background: John 9-12. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 13 Jesus’ passover meal with the disciples: As Jesus’ time before the cross is quickly coming to an end, John records one of the last suppers that He and His disciples would experience together before He was delivered over to the…

John 7-8: Words of the I AM.

September 19, 2015. Daily Reading: John 7-8. Background: John 5-6. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 7 Jesus at the feast of booths: After Jesus gives some pretty hard teachings in the last chapter, we pick up here as He avoids going to Judea because He perceived that they were seeking to kill Him. The feast of…