Paul’s thorn.

August 7, 2016. “So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.” (II Corinthians 12:7) Paul’s thorn in the flesh was mentioned, somewhat in passing, in a lesson…

Choose your paradigm: Membership or Missional. (Part 2)

February 22, 2015. Last week we began a series that addressed two different paradigms that churches can have, through which they look at the world and the lost. Of these two paradigms, only one is put forth by Jesus. It seems that in our culture today, however, the opposite one is most often the default…

Choose your paradigm: Membership or Missional. (Part 1)

  February 15, 2015. I have been listening to a lot of sermons and podcasts recently that have dealt with the mission of the church and how we need to relight our fire. Of particular note was the distinction between two different paradigms in Christianity that we need to be aware of to choose the…

Foolish wisdom.

February 8, 2016. Well, I have completed my journey through the bible which I set out to do last year where I took a daily reading plan and wrote about each chapter in that plan as my daily blog. I didn’t quite finish in a year, but I did finish before the end of January,…

Acts 10-12: The gospel goes to the Gentiles.

November 28, 2015. Daily Reading: Acts 10-12. Background: Acts 9. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 10 The gospel given to the Gentiles: Up until this point in the book of acts, the good news about Christ really had only gone to the Jews. Even when the believers were scattered abroad after the stoning of Stephen spoke…

Acts 7-8: Stephen and the spread of the gospel.

November 14, 2015. Daily Reading: Acts 7-8. Background: Acts 5-6. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 7 Stephen: The previous chapter left of with the arrest of Stephen on the basis of false witnesses, being brought before the council of Jewish leaders. This chapter pics up here and records Stephen’s defense and message to the high priest…

Acts 5-6: The expansion of the gospel.

November 7, 2015. Daily Reading: Acts 5-6. Background: Acts 1-4. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 5 1. Lying to God: At the beginning of this chapter, Luke tells a story that was sure to have set a precedent of truthfulness in the early church, teaching the disciples a lesson in pride, attention and lying. We too…

John 16-18: Jesus’ final days.

October 10, 2015. Daily Reading: John 16-18. Background: John 13-15. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 16 A final discourse with the disciples: As we near the passion narrative as presented by John, he gives us one of the final discussions that Jesus has with His disciples before He is taken to trial and the cross, followed…

John 1-2: Come and see.

August 29, 2015. Daily Reading: John 1-2. Background: The gospel of John is quite different from the other three synoptic (meaning synopsis, or summery) gospels, containing different stories, miracles and theological emphasis. The differences in this gospel reflect a different purpose in writing, likely written after a good amount of theological reflection of the author,…

Ezekiel 37-42: Prophecy and measurement.

August 22, 2015. Daily Reading: Ezekiel 37-42. Background: Ezekiel 31-36. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 37 1. The valley of dry bones: Ezekiel vision of the valley of dry bones has been on of the most famous encounters with God throughout the years, though the actual meaning behind the vision is not as well circulated. Here we find…

Luke 23-24: The trial, crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

August 21, 2015. I am switching Friday and Saturday’s reading this week due to timing issues. I appreciate you bearing with me. Thank you for reading and following along! _________________________________________________________ Daily Reading: Luke 23-24. Background: Luke 21-22. Concepts and Connections. Chapter 23 The trial, crucifixion and burial of Jesus: Luke, being the historian that he…

I Thessalonians 1-3: Paul’s ministry to the Thessalonians.

July 12, 2015. Daily Reading: I Thessalonians 1-3. Background: The first letter that Paul wrote to the Thessalonians is believed to be one of his earliest letters, probably written before 52 AD, and as such, it is one of the first books in the New Testament. The church in Thessalonica was founded in Acts 17:1-19 on…